better late...
Continuing with the trend of posting everything a month after it actually happens... here is a little update on our boys. They recently finished their first year at the middle school. I can tell you that at the beginning of the school year I was a complete wreck worrying about how they were going to do in a big school... having to figure out a locker combination and not having a home-room teacher to look after them and keep them on track. Well, they had an awesome year to say the least and they continued to impress us with their hard work and really amazing grades! Carter finished the year off with a 4.0 the third trimester.Wow! I never EVER got a 4.0 in all of my years of junior high or high school.And Cooper was honored at a Breakfast of Champions banquet this spring. He was nominated by the teachers in his pod for demonstrating excellence in the classroom. He got to invite his family to school for breakfast, and the principal read what the teachers had to say about our Cooper in front of everyone. They reported that he was a very hard worker and always tries his best no matter what the task is, he is nice to EVERYONE, and he does things around the classroom to help the teacher or others without being asked. We are such proud parents!
This is Cooper with his favorite teacher from 6th grade... Mr. Lauer.
I also wanted to show you their finished projects for History Day. Carter worked on his with a partner and their topic was the Iwo Jima Flag Raisers. Cooper did his Harry Truman project all by himself.