Friday, March 31, 2006


The other day, Carter and Cooper decided to get off the bus at their friend Trevor's house. About the time their bus was due to drop them off at home, I got a sheepish phone call from Carter letting me know where he was. Obviously, both boys new they shouldn't have done it, and knew they would get in trouble, but chose to do it anyway. So, mom and dad had to sit down with them and have a talk about what the appropriate consequence would be for their actions. Their choice was to never be allowed to have a friend over, or go to a friend's house ever again. That seemed perfectly acceptable to them. Mom and dad suggested perhaps they should be grounded for one night. They would have to go to their room after school, only coming down to eat supper. Just the mention of being grounded made the tears start rolling. This was the worst possible consequence in their mind. So last night, they spent the night in their rooms. Not much of a punishment when you have your brother to talk to if you ask me. However, from now on, I don't think they will choose to get off the bus anywhere but home.


Anonymous said...

While I know that kids will be kids... (even my own grandkids)... I'm like wondering here, what kind of bus driver for the Moorhead Public School District would let a strange, 1st grade elementary kid (even worse, TWO strange kids)hop on their bus and ride home to another kid's house WITHOUT a note from home, the teacher or the school's main office ? If I were the parent, I'd be on the phone to the famous Dan Bacon in a heartbeat. Those busses are equipped with 2-way radios and that driver should have called base to contact the school office to check things out. I've driven for 4 different school districts over the last 27 years, and it's always been the policy not to transport without a signed note.... even here in Chaska where things really are a mess. Hummmm.......this is your "old" grammie talkin' boys and I'm glad there were consequences and glad that the penance has been served. Big lessons for little boys.

Ria said...

Okay can relax because the friend rides their bus...the drive just let them get off at the wrong stop without a note. But I was told it was a "sub". :)

Anonymous said...

whew !..... I'll try.....