Monday, June 02, 2008

Garage Sale Girls

We had a big garage sale this weekend. Every year I say I'm never having a garage sale again because it is so much work...but this time I mean it. Last one ever. Despite all the work, it was fun and we got rid of almost everything we had for sale and the rest went to Boy's Ranch. It feels so good to have my storage room and all the closets cleaned out...for a little while at least. My studio is supposed to be ready this week too~ so I'll be able to move all of my photography "stuff" up there and make even MORE space in the storage room. Exciting week for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an exciting time for you and your family.......moving into your first photography studio!

Am so happy for you and you have to let us know if you need any help with the move.

LaVerne and Mark