Wednesday, January 13, 2010

our new baby

This is Emme's new baby sister Mya! We just got her last night at the pet store... that darn place gets me every time! Just couldn't resist this cute face. She is a "morkie" [maltese/yorkie cross] just like Emme, but looks much more like a yorkie! She is up at the studio helping me work today and has already had her first photoshoot.


G'ma S said...

Glad she finally got dolled up with those bows :-)....Hazel picked up her scent when I got home and can't wait to have a playdate!

Camryn H. said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! She is adorable!

gmab said...

Ria she is so cute but hard to beleive you got another puppy. My friend and neighbor has a yorkie named Alex. They are so cute and tiny!

Anonymous said...

I love her.... and I have not even met her yet.

Ann said...

Now I have more puppy nieces and nephews than human ones! She is sure cute -- can't wait for a little puppy snuggle.

Anonymous said...

Ria, the pictures are so cute. You can almost smell the Puppy. Love that smell.

MAV06 said...

Oh no =) How does Emme like her new sister? With Adam here, we have 4 dogs in the house. Crazy! Enjoy the new cute bundle!

Leann said...

I don't think I've ever seen anything so adorable!! Congratulations.