Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Workin Hard for the Money

The neighborhood kids set up a lemonade stand at the golf course yesterday to earn a little spending cash. They also sold golf balls which seemed to sell even better than the lemonade! The boy next door happened to be the CEO of the enteprenuerial adventure and only paid the boys $.50 each for their duties...but that was just fine with them! Poor Kennedy came out to see if they needed any help but was told to go home.


Anonymous said...

The boys missed out!They will find out (in years to come) that they would have gotten alot more golf balls and lemonade sold if they had a little cutie sitting at the stand! Next time Kennedy!

Great idea and hope they had fun!

Anonymous said...

As usual in the corporate world, looks like the CEO's are just sitting there relaxing while the low income paid workers are doing all the work advertising by holding the signs and looking enthusiastic ! ! Sure have been there before.....uff-dah...

And for Miss Kennedy, some advice. Don't let the boys of this world stop you with their "no's". Use your creative female brain and start up your own company in competition ! ! Golfers LOVE home-baked chocolate chip cookies sold by a pretty little girl ! I'm sure mommy will loan you the start up costs . . .
Go Get Em ! G'ma Sandi