Saturday, December 08, 2007

party time

We had our first Christmas celebration of the season last night. And there just happened to be a big Gopher/Sioux rivarly going on too! The kids played an ornament exchange game, decorated cookies, and cheered on their favorite team.


Anonymous said...

Party Time!

Looks like it was 50/50 Gopher/Sioux fans!

What a fun way to start the Christmas holidays!

Merry Christmas to all families at the Czichotzki party!

G & G Czi

Anonymous said...

Lovin' that little girl's I can see old "Mr. Rock'n Roll Santa" hiding behind the group... can't believe he's still standing and rockin' after all that abuse when the kids were little...what a tradition! What's Kennedy got goin' there ?? wink-wink