SuperMom .. not
Here is my house after week ONE of working outside the home..
Sink full of dishes...
The kids' bathroom...notice the cup of mud on the counter? Kennedy had spent the afternoon using a sqirt bottle to water her grass her room...while I work. I'd also like you to take note of the empty toilet paper roll at the end of the counter right next to the new one. I do realize how much work it is to actually throw it in the garbage since it is a whole two steps away.Laundry squished in a pile on the counter instead of folded and put away.
Hmmm...I guess it is clear that I can't "do it all."
Hey! Finally you have a first-hand view of how it was for me working 2-3 jobs to keep us afloat all those years you were growing up! I'll be there shortly to help you out :-) don't drown before I get there.... glub...glub...
If it makes you feel any better, my house looks much worse than that...and in the summer when I am not "working," it looks no better!
Goodness... you can even make pictures of your dirty dishes look adorable... :)
Say, do you have an email I could send a note to? I am looking for a photographer in my area for baby's arrival and would like some suggestions if you have any.
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